Married Celeb is a social platform where we produce readable titbits and bios on your favorite celebrity. It’s an open channel where users are provided with the information as per user’s engagement. The content here provided are subject to the following vital points that defines the basic of this website, if users find any terms unusual or in contradiction to their state’s policy only then we are liable to change the terms or else it caters a general mass hence, we are in no case liable to a reply or answer your queries.
It’s an intellectual property hence usage of our content without our consent is punishable by the law of State government. It’s a public property as its open for general use but the monitoring body, here marriedceleb isn’t in any case tolerant of using our media without proper siltation of it’s source namely Married Celeb.
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We are an advertisement house for many goods and services (go through privacy policy to know the type of goods and services we cater), so publicizing any third parties’ services without our official permission is again punishable by the State’s law, hence we emphasize a contact and advertisement only after a written and signed legal consent, and act against the penned contract can again bring about legal issues.
So, go through our privacy policy before making any change on your goods and services.
We don’t take part in data manipulation, mining or extracting, and neither tolerate the actions done by our users, clients or advertisement partners.
We are an information portal hence the terms of usage can be changed only to uplift our users satisfaction but we are in no case answerable to small comments or even mail, unless it is of an upmost priority, violates peace or promotes social evils or adultery.
The pages in here are not age restricted and is for a general use, but if other sites try cloning us and misuse our content in any way, we will take legal action against it.